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La Center School District Policies and Procedures

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2000 Series - INSTRUCTION
Program Development & Resources
2000 – Student Learning Goals N/A
2004 – Accountability Goals N/A
2005 – School Improvement Plans N/A
2020 – Course Design, Selection & Adoption of Instructional Materials 2020P – Procedure
2021 – Library Media Centers 2021P – Procedure
2022 – Electronic Resources 2022P – Procedure
2023 – Lesson Plans N/A
2024 – Online Learning 2024P – Procedure
2025 – Copyright Compliance 2025P – Procedure
2027 – Use of Videos/DVDs as Part of the Instructional Program 2027P – Procedure
2029 – Animals as Part of the Instructional Program 2029P – Procedure
2090 – Program Evaluation 2090P – Procedure
Learning Programs & Support
2106 – Program Compliance N/A
2108 – Learning Assistance Program
2110 – Transitional Bilingual Education 2110P – Procedure
2121 – Substance Abuse Program 2121P – Procedure
2124 – Physical Education and Health Class 2124P – Procedure
2125 – Social Emotional Learning and Sexual Health Education

2125P – Procedure

2125 Opt Out Form

2126 – HIV-AIDS Prevention Education 2126 Opt Out Form
2145 – Student Safety – Suicide Prevention & Response 2145P – Procedure
2150 – Co-Curricular Program 2150P – Procedure
2151 – Interscholastic Activities N/A
2153 – Non-Curriculum Related Student Groups 2153P – Procedure
2161 – Special Education & Related Services for Eligible Students 2161P – Procedure
2162 – Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 2162P – Procedure
2163 – Response to Intervention 2163P – Procedure
2165 – Home or Hospital Instruction 2165P – Procedure
2167 – Critically Ill Students N/A
2170 – Vocational Education 2170P – Procedure
2190 – Highly Capable Program 2190P – Procedure
2195 – Academic Acceleration

2195P – Procedure

2195 Opt out Form

2230 – Transition to Kindergarten N/A
2255 – Alternative Learning Experience Courses 2255P – Procedure
2320 – Field Trips, Excursions & Outdoor Education 2320P – Procedure
2336 – Required Observances N/A
Requirements & Assessments
2401- Financial Education Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2401P – Procedure
2402 – English Language Arts Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2402P – Procedure
2403 –  Math Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2403P – Procedure
2404 – Science Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2404P – Procedure
2405 – Social Studies Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2405P – Procedure
2406 – The Arts Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2406P – Procedure
2407 – Health and Physical Education Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2407P – Procedure
2408 – Integrated Environmental and Sustainability Education Mastery-Based Credit 2408P – Procedure
2409 – World Language Mastery-Based Credit 2409P – Procedure
2410 – High School Graduation Requirements 2410P – Procedure
2411 – High School Equivalency Certificate (GED) N/A
2413 – Equivalency Credit Opportunities
2415 – Performance-Based Pathway for High School Graduation 2415P – Procedure
2418 – Waiver of High School Graduation Credits 2418P – Procedure
2418F – Form – Waiver of HS Credits
2421 – Promotion & Retention 2421P – Procedure
2422 – Homework N/A
3000 Series - STUDENTS
Admissions & Attendance
3110 – Qualifications of Attendance & Placement 3110P – Procedure
3114 – Part-Time, Home-Based, or Off-Campus Students N/A
3115 – Students Experiencing Homelessness: Enrollment Rights and Services 3115P – Procedure
3116 – Students in Foster Care 3116P – Procedure
3120 – Enrollment 3120P – Procedure
3121 – Compulsory Attendance N/A
3122 – Excused & Unexcused Absences 3122P – Procedure
3123 – Withdrawal Prior to Graduation N/A
3124 – Removal/Release of Student During School Hours 3124P – Procedure
3140 – Release of Resident Students N/A
3141 – Nonresident Students N/A
3143 – Notification and Dissemination of Information about Sexual Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm 3143P – Procedure
Rights & Responsibilities
3205 – Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited 3205P – Procedure
3207 – Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying

3207P – Procedure

3207F – HIB Reporting Form

3210 – Nondiscrimination 3210P – Procedure
3211 – Gender Inclusive Schools 3211P – Procedure
3220 – Freedom of Expression 3220P – Procedure
3223 – Freedom of Assembly
3225 – School Based Threat Assessment 3225P – Procedure
3226 – Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises

3226P – Procedure

3226F Student Record of Interviewor Interrogation Form

3230 – Student Privacy & Searches 3230P – Procedure
3231 – Student Records 3231P – Procedure
3241 -Student Discipline

3241P – Procedure   

3241F La Center Discipline Guideline Matrix


3242 – Closed Campus N/A
3245 – Students & Personal Electronic Devices N/A
3246 – Restraint, Isolation & Other Uses of Reasonable Force 3246P – Procedure
Student Welfare
3411 – Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy
3412 – Automated External Defibrillators 3412P – Procedure
3413 – Student Immunization & Life Threatening Health Conditions 3413P – Procedure
3414 – Infectious Diseases 3414P – Procedure
3415 – Accommodating Students with Diabetes N/A
3416 – Medication at School 3416P – Procedure
3417 – Catheterization 3417P – Procedure
3418 – Response to a Student Injury or Illness 3418P – Procedure
3419 – Self-Administration of Asthma Medication & Anaphylaxis Medications 3419P – Procedure
3420 – Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response 3420P – Procedure
3421 – Child Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Prevention 3421P – Procedure
3422 – Student Sports, Concussion,  Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest 3422P – Procedure
3424 – Opioid Related Overdose Reversal 3424P – Procedure
3432 – Emergencies 3432P – Procedure
Student Activities
3510 – Associated Student Bodies 3510P – Procedure
3520 – Student Fees, Fines,  or Charges 3520P – Procedure
3530 – Fund Raising Activities Involving Students 3530P – Procedure


Financial Planning & Management
6000 – Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption & Implementation 6000P – Procedure
6020 – System of Funds and Accounts 6020P – Procedure
6021 – Interfund Loans N/A
6030 – Financial Reports N/A
6100 – Revenues from Local, State, and Federal Sources N/A
6102 – District Fund Raising Activities 6102P – Procedure
6106 – Allowable Costs for Federal Programs 6106P – Procedure
6210 – Purchasing Authorization & Control N/A
6212 – Charge Cards N/A
6213 – Reimbursement for Travel Expenses 6213P – Procedure
6215 – Voucher Certification & Approval 6215P – Procedure
6216 – Reimbursement for Goods & Services: Warrants N/A
6217 – Electronic Funds Transfer 6217P – Procedure
6220 – Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements 6220P – Procedure
6230 – Relations with Vendors
6240 – Food & Beverage Consumption 6240P – Procedure
6250 – Cellular Telephones N/A
Risk Managment
6511 – Staff Safety 6511P – Procedure
6512 – Infection Control Program 6512P – Procedure
6530 – Insurance N/A
6540 – School District’s Responsibility for Privately-Owned Property N/A
6550 -Capitalization Threshold for Leases and Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs)
6570 – Property, Data & Records Management N/A
6600 – Transportation 6600P – Procedure
6605 – Student Transportation Safety 6605P – Procedure
6640 – School Owned Vehicles N/A
Food Services
6700 – Nutrition 6700P – Procedure
6701 – Recess and Physical Activity 6701P – Procedure
6702- Wellness 6702P – Procedure
Farm To School Policy
District Wellness Policy District Wellness Procedure
Food Service Procurement Procedures and Code of Conduct
School Property
6801 – Fixed Assets N/A
6881 – Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials 6881P – Procedure
6895 – Pesticide Notification, Posting & Record Keeping 6895P – Procedure
Capital Projects
6910 – Construction Financing

6910P-1 – Procedure – Bonds: Post-Issuance Compliance Procedures for Tax Exempt Bonds

6910-2 – Procedure – Disclosure Procedure for Publicly Offered Bonds

6970 – Dedication & Naming Facilities 6970P – Procedure