La Center School District 2024-2025 Annual Notifications

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Policy 2320

Field Trips, Athletic Trips and Outdoor Education

The board recognizes that field trips, athletic trips and outdoor education when used as a device for teaching and learning integral to the curriculum, are an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program of the schools. Such trips can supplement and enrich classroom activities by providing learning experiences in an environment beyond the classroom.

Field trips which take students more than 150 miles or are planned to keep students out of the district overnight must be approved in advance by the board. Outdoor education resident school plans shall be presented to the board for annual approval. The superintendent has the authority to approve all other field trips.

Athletic trips that are part of league, district and state competitions as part of the schedule or qualifying event for a team/athlete to move on in post-season, would not require board approval. Non-league or preseason competitions out of Washington State beyond 150 miles and planned to keep students out of the district overnight, would require board approval. Non-league or preseason competitions that are within Washington State would not require board approval.

The superintendent will develop procedures for the operation of a field trip, athletic trip or an outdoor education activity which will ensure that the safety of the student is protected and that parent permission is obtained before the student leaves the school. Each field trip must be integrated with the curriculum and coordinated with classroom activities that enhance its usefulness. Private vehicles may be used to transport students if approval is obtained in advance from the principal.

No staff member may recruit students for any privately arranged field trip or excursion without board permission.

Cross References:
6625 – Private Vehicle Transportation
3520 – Student Fees, Fines, or Charges

Legal References:
RCW 28A.330.100(5) Additional powers of board
RCW 67.20.020 Contracts for cooperation
WAC 181-87-090 Improper remunerative conduct

La Center School District Adoption Date: June 26th, 2007; Revised November 22nd, 2016