State of the District Meeting, 10/22/24 6:00 PM, HS Commons

La Center School District Logo

Annual Notifications


All students in grades K-12 may at times be accessing the Internet for academic purposes. If you do not want your student(s) to have access to the Internet at school, please notify the school office in writing.

State and Federal Law mandates that certain information be made available to parents, students and/or community members on an annual basis.  It is the intent of the La Center School District to comply with all such laws in a way that is both easily accessible and cost effective for our stakeholders.  Therefore, all required notifications and information may be accessed on this website.

Or, if you need to request a printed copy, please call our district office at 360-263-2131  for assistance.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Asbestos Notification

Child Identification Procedures

Citizen Complaint Against School District

Digital Image Opt-Out Form

Directory Information

District Policies and Procedures

Notification of Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 

Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Statement

Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Reporting Form (PDF)

Homeless Liaison – McKinney-Vento Act

HPV Information  & Meningococcal Vaccine Information

INTERNET USE AT SCHOOL: All students in grades K-12 may at times be accessing the Internet for academic purposes. If you do not want your student(s) to have access to the Internet at school, please notify the school office in writing.

La Center District Title 1/LAP Complaint Process

Meal Charge Policy

Notification of Rights/FERPA

Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping Requirements

Right of Parents to Request Information Related to Qualifications of their Child’s Teacher

Sexual Harassment

Student Accident Insurance

Substance Abuse Policy

Use of Tobacco on School Property

WA State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)

Weapons on School Premises

Wellness Policy 

Wellness Procedure

Assessments:  HS 2024                  MS 2024                         ES 2024

                             HS 2023                  MS 2023                        ES 2023 

HS Baseline Assessement (Jan 2020)       HS Triennial June 2022                                               

MS Baseline Assessment (Jan 2020)         MS Annual June 2022                                                 

ES  Baseline Assessement (Jan 2020)     ES Annual June 2022    ES Triennial  June 2022