State of the District Meeting, 10/22/24 6:00 PM, HS Commons

La Center School District Logo

Policy 2021

Library Media Centers

Each school shall be provided with a variety of textbooks and other learning resource materials to meet the unique needs of the students.  A library/media center will be used to support and extend the classroom program of instruction.  Print and non-print materials, audio-visual equipment and supplies, and other instructional aids will be catalogued in a manner that will enable such materials, equipment, and supplies to be accessible to students and teachers throughout the school year.  Each center will be appropriately staffed to assist teachers and students in the use of the collection as well as in the production of teacher and/or student developed materials.  Library/media staff will assist students and teachers in securing materials from other sources.

The superintendent shall establish procedures for the selection of materials.  Citizens who wish to express a concern about specific material included in the collection may do so according to the procedures outlined in 2021P.

Legal References:

RCW  28A.305.180 Rules and regulations integrating library and media services into learning resources services
WAC  180-46 Learning Resources Centers
392-190-055 Text Books and instructional materials—Scope—Elimination of sex bias—Compliance timetable

La Center School District Adopted: April 22nd, 2008