State of the District Meeting, 10/22/24 6:00 PM, HS Commons

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Policy 2415

Performance-Based Pathway for High School Graduation

The board is committed to providing graduation pathways that are student-focused, adaptable, rigorous, and meaningful ways for students to demonstrate appropriate readiness in support of their individualized career and college goals. As part of that commitment, the La Center School District offers multiple pathway options, including a performance-based pathway for high school graduation. 

The performance-based pathway includes the following components:

  • Proposal created by the student, or a learning contract for a performance-based pathway opportunity developed by a school or the district,
  • Student Learning experience,
  • Product created by the student based on the learning experience that must demonstrate that the student has met learning standards in English Language Arts or math, and
  • Evaluation of the student product, performed locally, involving at least one teacher endorsed in the relevant subject area(s) using state-developed proficiency targets and associated rubrics. 

The superintendent or designee will develop a process in accordance with the accompanying procedures for:

  • Approving student proposals and performance-based pathway opportunities developed by a school or the district,
  • Assessing student products, and
  • Addressing the safety of the student learning experience.

At least annually, the district will examine data on student groups participating in and completing each graduation pathway option offered by the school district according to RCW 28A.655.260.

Cross References:     2410 – High School Graduation Requirements

Legal References:     WAC 180-51-050 High school credit — Definition

                             WAC 180-51-230 Graduation Pathway Options

RCW 28A.230.090 High school graduation requirements or equivalencies — Reevaluation of graduation requirements — Review and authorization of proposed changes — Credit for courses taken before attending high school — Postsecondary credit equivalencies

RCW 28A.655.250 Graduation pathway options

RCW 28A.655.260 Graduation pathway options—Review and monitoring—Participation data

 La Center School District

Adoption Date:  March 26, 2024
Classification: Essential