State of the District Meeting, 10/22/24 6:00 PM, HS Commons

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Policy 2320P

Field Trips, Athletic Trips, and Outdoor Education

Field trips are defined as travel away from school premises, under the supervision of a teacher, with an approved course of study, for the purpose of affording students a direct learning experience not available in the classroom. The following procedures shall apply:

Field Trips

A. The staff member shall submit a completed field trip request form to the principal at least two weeks prior to the field trip.

B. The staff member shall contact the site to make specific arrangements for the field trip so that the desired activity can be coordinated with the classroom studies.

C. The staff member shall be responsible for securing additional adult supervision for the trip (one adult to a maximum of ten students).

D. Each student participating in a field trip must first return a permission slip signed by his/her parent. Parents shall be informed if private vehicles are to be used for the field trip.

E. Emergency contact information for each student must be available throughout the field trip.

F. All special health needs of students must be planned for and reviewed by the school nurse prior to departure on the field trip.

G. A letter of appreciation should be sent to the site host upon completion of the field trip.

Outdoor Education

A. The outdoor education plans for the coming school year shall be presented to the board for approval at the May board meeting.

B. All staff to be involved shall be notified of plans after board approval.

C. The proposed curricula for the outdoor education school shall be presented to teachers at least one month prior to the session.

D. Information to parents regarding fees and waivers or reductions if offered, special clothing, dates, supervising proposed activities, and other duties shall be sent to parents at least one month prior to the session. The parent must sign an approval form.

E. If feasible, parents may opt to have their child participate in daytime activities only.

F. Students who do not elect to attend shall engage in meaningful learning experiences.

G. Students must purchase accident insurance or have family accident insurance.

H. If the district can absorb the cost or has access to funds to cover waivers or reductions, students who are unable to pay the fee may be granted a waiver or reduction based on principal review of circumstances.

Field Trips Requiring Board Approval

A. The staff member must submit to the principal a written plan, including purpose, supervision, itinerary, cost, housing, and student costs (if any).

B. After approval by the principal, the proposal shall be submitted to the superintendent for approval.

C. The staff member should attend the board meeting to answer any questions the board may have.

D. If approved by the board, a written description of the overnight field trip shall be sent to the parent. All such field trips are optional. Parent permission is required.

Athletic Trips

A. Any non-league or preseason competition out of Washington State beyond 150 miles and overnight, must get board approval.

B. The head coach is responsible for submitting an itinerary with the approximate funds needed, housing and supervision to attend at least 2 months prior to the date of the competition to the Director of Athletics and Activities.

C. After approval by the Director, the proposal will be submitted to the superintendent at least 1 week prior to the board meeting.

D. After approval by the board, the event will be added to the schedule for that sport. Head coaches will be responsible for communicating to parents a written description of the overnight trip. All overnight trips are optional, parent permission is required.

International Travel

Approval of international travel is subject to the United States Department of State travel warnings. Travel warnings are issued when the state department decides, based on all relevant information, to recommend that Americans avoid travel to a certain country. District travel to Canada and Mexico will be approved unless either country is identified through a travel warning. No district sponsored international travel will be approved to any other country as long as the worldwide caution is in effect.

A. The staff member must submit to the principal a written request for approval, including purpose, supervision, itinerary, cost, housing, and student costs six months before the date of the trip and before any fundraising begins or deposits are in place for the trip.

B. After approval by the principal, all requests for both single and multi-school trips will be approved by the superintendent at least one week prior to the board meeting.

C. The staff member should attend the board meeting to answer any questions from the board.

D. After approval by the board, a written description of the international, overnight field trip will be sent to the parent. All such international trips are optional. Parent permission is required.

E. All signed approval forms and trip records will be kept on file at the school.

F. Staff members and sponsors will obtain competitive pricing to assure maximum student participation at the lowest possible cost.



La Center School District Adopted: June 26th, 2007; Revised November 22nd, 2016