La Center School District Logo

LCES Kindergarten Registration

Welcome to Kindergarten!

If your child turns 5 on or before August 31st of this year , you may register him/her for Kindergarten!  On-line enrollment is available through the website via Skyward or at the elementary office from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.  


The following documents are required for registration:

Legal, state-issued birth certificate

Residency Verification Documentation

Home Language Survey

Student Health History -If your child has a life-threatening health condition (asthma, allergies, etc.) requiring medication at school, please contact our nurse, Danielle Rivers, at 360-263-2134, ext. 2118 or [email protected]  for important information. Life-threatening conditions require a nurse care plan before your child can attend school 

Family Emergency Plan

Current Immunization Record-Immunization records must be turned in to the school office on or before the first day of attendance.  Your child cannot attend school until you provide these records.  If you choose to exempt your child from immunizations, a Certificate of Exemption form is needed. It requires your signature and your healthcare provider’s signature.

All of these forms are found online by clicking the New/Returning Student Registration Page button above.

Parents will receive an email over the summer regarding class placement.

    *Teacher assignments may change through the first week of school based on student enrollment.

    Kindy Cub Night

    May 20, 2025

    5:00 to 6:00 PM

    Elementary Cafeteria

    Kindy Camp -- August 20, 2025

    AM and PM sessions will be 2.5 hours each –  Half of the class will attend in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Parents will sign up for slots when they return the Kindergarten Registration Packet. 

    Kindy Smart Start - First 3 days of school

    Students will participate in introductory activities, and get to know their teacher.

    • Mornings: Day 1 (Half Class), Day 2 (Other Half of Class), Day 3 (Whole Class)- Buses will take kindergarten students home after each of the 3 half days.
    • Afternoons: All 3 Days are reserved for Family Connection Meetings that will take approximately 25 minutes. Students are welcome to bring their school supplies to this meeting. Teachers will email families their appointment time. 

    Kindergarten student’s first full day of attendance is Tuesday, September 2, 2025.

    Immunization Requirement Information

    Dear Parent or Guardian,

    For all newly enrolled students, all immunization records turned in to schools are required by state law to be medically verified. Immunization records must be turned into the school on or before the first day of attendance. This means immunization records turned in to the school must be from a health care provider, or you must attach paperwork from a health care provider to your handwritten form that shows your child’s records are accurate. Your child cannot attend school until you provide these records.

    Here are some examples of medically verified immunization records:
    • A completed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) signed by a health care provider. Find the CIS form by visiting and clicking on “Certificate of Immunization Status.”
    • A CIS filled out by you or another parent/guardian with medical records attached.
    • A CIS printed by a health care provider or school from the Washington State Immunization Information System.
    • A CIS printed from MyIR which is a free Department of Health online tool that allows families to view and print their official immunization records themselves. Go to to begin the sign-up process.

    If the printed CIS from the school or MyIR is missing any required immunizations for school attendance, medical records will need to be provided to the school office.
    If you are requesting an exemption from one or more of the immunization requirements, you must provide the school a completed Certificate of Exemption.
    If you have any questions regarding immunization requirements, please contact the school your child will attend, or visit the department of health website at:

    La Center Elementary School (360) 263-2134  Fax 360-263-2133

    Got Shots?

    Immunization records must be turned into the school on or before the first day of attendance.

    Immunization records turned in to schools are required by state law to be medically verified. This means immunization records turned in to the school must be from a health care provider, or you must attach paperwork from a health care provider to your handwritten CIS form that shows your child’s records are accurate.

    Your child cannot attend school until you provide these records.

    Before school starts, please also notify our school nurse if your child has any of the following conditions as a nurse care plan may also be needed prior to the first day of school: