La Center School District Logo


Home of the Bobcats

August 9, 2024

Hello Bobcat Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are confident this will be another great year of teaching and learning for our students, staff and families. Our bell times have not changed this year and things are very similar to last year for our students and families. We look forward to seeing students return for a successful year of teaching and learning.

Bell times this year at the elementary school are:

7:45am-2:15pm (M,T,Th,F)

8:45am-2:15pm (Wednesdays only)

** Classroom and building doors open at 7:30**


Visitors and volunteers. All visitors are required to sign in at the office. Volunteers that work with children or recess visitors need to complete a registration form. LINK to volunteer form. The process typically takes two weeks – at the start of school it may be slightly longer.

Before/After School Care (A.S.K.):  A limited number of spots will be available in the district’s before/after school program. Please check the district website for updates.

Email: [email protected] or call  360-760-5962.

Bus Transportation is provided by KWRL. If you haven’t already, please register online using this link: KWRL bus registration or by calling 360-841-2023. Even if you registered last year, KWRL requires a new registration this year.


If you have not yet registered your child, please contact Angie Ossenkop for more information or to return required documentation. [email protected]

Drop off / Pick up Reminders:

Parking lot pattern. Enter the upper parking lot entrance. There are two lanes through the driveway.

Click here for: Parking lot map

If dropping off or picking up in the “horseshoe driveway:”

  • School begins at 7:45 a.m. Drop off can begin at 7:25. When waiting in front of the school,  students will stand in front of the main doors. From the front of the building, they will then enter the hallways. 
  • To enter the parking lot, use the upper (furthest East) entrance. There is a sign at that point that says “enter here.”
  • Do not enter from the hill/ramp that comes out on 4th St.
  • K-2nd (and older siblings) can be dropped off up in the horseshoe area in front of the school. 3rd-5th grade students (with no younger siblings) can be dropped off at Holley Park near the tennis court, to the East of campus.   
    • Students will wait outside of the building until 7:30 a.m.  
    • Students coming from the bus zone or East (back of school) will go directly to their classrooms at 7:30, and not congregate/play on the playground.
    • Parents will not be permitted in the building, unless visiting the office.


  • Form two lines as you enter the school property. 
  • Then “Zipper Merge” into one line when you turn into the Horseshoe. 
  • Stay in ONE line as you pull forward as far as possible before you drop-off or pick-up.
  • Once you have dropped-off or picked-up, you can use the inside lane to exit the school.


  • Student exits/enters the car on the driver’s side.
  • Parent stays in the car (some parents may need to assist their younger kids and this okay)
  • Goodbye’s are done inside the car prior to exiting
  • The quicker a student can exit and enter the car, the less backup we will have. 
  • Patience is needed for other drivers as we need to set a positive example for our little ones.
  • Exit down the ramp past the cafeteria. This area is marked on 4th Street with an “exit only” sign.

Pick-up: end of day – Classes will stagger dismissal times beginning at 2:05.

  • Bus: Teachers and/or paras will walk students to the bus.
  • K-2/Family Pick-up:  Horseshoe Driveway – 2:10 p.m.  (pull forward)
  • 3rd-5th grade students (with no younger siblings) can be picked up at Holley Park near the tennis court, to the East of campus.
  • Students will be dismissed to family waiting on the sidewalk, or walked to their vehicle.Please enter from the upper lot off of Fourth St, and follow the painted signs in the parking lot.  Parking is also available at Holley Park. To reduce your wait time and traffic congestion, we recommend older students meet parents at the east side of the campus near the tennis courts. A staff member will be stationed there at the excusal bell time each day. 

We look forward to partnering with you to make this school year a fun and engaging learning experience for our students.

Best regards,

Steve Avery, PK-2 Principal

Greg Hall, 3-5 Principal

Quick Links

School Hours:
M, T, Th, F: 7:45am-2:15pmW: 8:45am-2:15pm

Early Release 10:45am

Phone: (360) 263-2134

Fax: (360) 263-2133

Attendance Line:
(360) 836-0237 (Call or Text)

700 E. 4th St.
La Center, WA 98629