La Center High School Staff

Lindsey Hathaway
Associate Principal

Matt Cooke
Director of Athletics & Extracurricular Activities

Jennifer Stephens
Asst. Secretary - Athletics

Telicia Taylor
General Office Aide


Beth Marshall
District Data Coordinator

Sara Clegg
School Psychologist
Nationally Certified School Psychologist

Julia Bronson
School Counselor

Joelle Morrison
Speech Language Pathologist

Maddie Brockman
Teacher, CTE ASL

James Cameron
Teacher, Jazz Band, Concert Band, Acoustic Guitar

Rhonda Catchpole
Teacher Choral Ensemble, Select Choir

Peter Chapman
Teacher Biology, Chemistry

Brian Clegg
Teacher English 9/10 - Film Criticism

Jill Cole
Teacher Freshman Physics, Focus 9 Careers in Science/Zoology

Sarah Cottle
Teacher Special Education
Teacher Physical Education - Health - Fitness
National Board Certified Teacher

Denelle Eiesland
Teacher Physical Education - Health - Fitness
National Board Certified Teacher

Nicholas Ellison
Teacher Culinary Arts

Molly Johnson
HS Counselor
Teacher SPED Math> [email protected]

Gayle Gabbert
Teacher SPED Math> [email protected]

Patricia Glenz
Teacher HS Life Skills
Teacher English 9/10 - A/P English Lit/Comp, Creative Writing - Reading Best-Selling Lit.

Karen Gozart
Teacher English 9/10 - A/P English Lit/Comp, Creative Writing - Reading Best-Selling Lit.

Heather Grotte
Teacher Pre-AP English 9 & 10 - Women's Studies I&II

Andrew Helm
Teacher Algebra II - Geometry/Honors Geometry
Teacher Intro to Business/Personal Finance - Accounting- MS Office Suite

John Lambert
Teacher Intro to Business/Personal Finance - Accounting- MS Office Suite

Christina Langlitz
Teacher SPED ELA

Paula Leach
Teacher 9th Physics - Marine Biology/Ecology - Biology

Jack Leedom
TeacherCTE, Wood/Metal- Residential Const. & Worksite

Rebecca Morris
Teacher Env. Studies, Civics/World History

Sara Rideout
Teacher Ceramics - Stagecraft - Advanced Acting

Julie Sety
Teacher Probability & Statistics - Pre-Calculus - Algebra I&II

Katie Stevens
Teacher A/P US Govt. -Leadership - CWP-Focus

Kellan Sullivan
Teacher Geometry - Algebra1-Financial Algebra
Teacher Algebra I&II - Computer Science - A/P Calculus
National Board Certified Teacher

Minna Thayer
Teacher Algebra I&II - Computer Science - A/P Calculus
National Board Certified Teacher

Austin Vaughan
Teacher History/ELA

Hunter Weiss
Teacher PE - Health - Weight Training - Adv. Weights
Teacher English - German 1&2- Digital Design
Civics/World History - Literature of Survival

Brian Zylstra
Teacher English - German 1&2- Digital Design
Civics/World History - Literature of Survival

Bob Hill
Teacher LC Academy - HS

Ruth Schrock
Teacher LC Academy

Daryl Moore
Library/Media Tech

Kirby Phillips
Head Cook/Supervisor

Kayla Edwards
HS Dishwasher/Server