SEBB Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the School Employees Benefits Board program website for more information!
How do I enroll in SEBB Benefits?
Eligible employees will receive instructions on establishing a SEBB “My Account” and can begin using it on October 1st. SEBB “My Account” is available on any desktop, tablet, or mobile device. Google Chrome is the preferred web browser.
Where can I get help comparing my existing plans to those offered under SEBB?
Attend the Benefits Fair on October 7th (3pm-8pm) at Educational Service District 112, 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA. Representatives from the health care plans will be present to answer your questions.
Attend the Virtual Benefits Fair via SEBB “My Account” beginning October 1st.
Utilize “ALEX”, your virtual benefits assistant on SEBB “My Account”.
My spouse and I are both school employees and eligible for SEBB. Can we put ourselves on the each other’s SEBB account?
No. Each of you will have your own account. No one can enroll on more than one account. You will each enroll in your own dental, vision, basic life and long-term disability. For medical coverage, you may each choose to enroll in your own plan or one spouse may waive coverage to enroll as a dependent spouse on the other, but you may not be double-covered.
Can children be enrolled on two accounts?
No. SEBB coverage is limited to a single enrollment per individual. If you and your spouse or state-registered domestic partner both enroll in coverage, you can decide which account your children go on.
Can an employee be enrolled in free Apple Health (Medicaid) coverage?
Yes, you can enroll in both. But SEBB-benefits eligible employees cannot waive SEBB enrollment. You may be eligible to receive reimbursement of your SEBB medical premium. Find more information about the Premium Payment Program.
Can an employee’s children be enrolled in free Apple Health for Kids Coverage?
Yes, and they can also be enrolled in SEBB medical coverage. You may be eligible to receive reimbursement of your SEBB medical premium. Find more information about the Premium Payment Program.
Can an employee’s children stay on Apple Health for Kids with premiums (CHIP) coverage if the employee is eligible for SEBB?
No. Their eligibility for Apple Health for Kids with premiums (CHIP) coverage will end at their next review, even if you waive their enrollment in SEBB coverage. Children of employees with access to a publicly funded health plan such as the SEBB Program are not eligible for Apple Health for Kids with premiums (CHIP) coverage.
Can an employee cover a retired spouse who is enrolled in Medicare Part A & B?
Yes. The primary coverage would be through the SEBB Program on any claims the spouse might have. Medicare would be the secondary payer, and only pays if the SEBB plan paid less than Medicare would have paid. For more information on how Medicare interacts with SEBB visit the SEBB and Medicare webpage.
Will pooling still occur in SEBB?
Yes, but it will happen at the state level. The state estimates how many employees will waive coverage. Factoring in the expectation that some employees will waive medical coverage allows SEBB to offer consistent, affordable employee monthly premiums throughout the year. The premiums you see listed for the medical plans represent your actual out-of-pocket cost.
Do I have to enroll in medical coverage?
You may waive medical coverage if you are covered by another employer-sponsored insurance or are enrolled in Medicare or Tricare.
How do I waive coverage?
You must waive your coverage in SEBB “My Account” during the open enrollment period.
What happens if I do nothing?
If employees do not enroll in or waive SEBB medical coverage during the first annual open enrollment, you will be enrolled in the following default benefits:
Medical: UMP Achieve 1
Dental: Uniform Dental Plan
Vision: MetLife vision
Basic life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D): MetLife
You will be charged the $25 tobacco use premium surcharge in addition to the monthly medical premium. Your dependents will not be enrolled. In addition, you won’t be able to change plans or enroll any eligible dependents until the next SEBB Program annual open enrollment or unless you have a special open enrollment event that allows the change, such as a marriage, birth, or adoption.
I am already enrolled in a plan also offered via SEBB (such as Kaiser or Willamette). I want to keep my plan. Do I need to re-enroll?
Yes, you must re-enroll via SEBB “My Account”. Keep in mind that the plans offered via SEBB may differ from existing plan details.
Do I have to enroll in dental and vision insurance?
Yes, every eligible employee is required to enroll in dental and vision insurance and the premiums are paid 100% by the District.
Can I add my dependents to my dental and vision insurance? What is the cost?
Yes, you may add your eligible dependents, but it is not required. The premium is covered 100% by the District.
Do my dependents have to enroll in the same medical, dental, and vision plans as me?
Yes, if you choose to enroll your eligible dependents in either medical, dental, and/or vision coverage, they must be enrolled in the same plan, although they may see different providers.
Will I need to prove my dependent’s eligibility status?
Yes, even if they are currently covered under your existing medical, dental, or vision plan, every dependent must be re-verified.
What do I need to do to have my dependents verified?
You will be required to upload the documentation required by SEBB into your SEBB “My Account”. For a complete list of acceptable documents, please visit SEBB’s Dependent Verification page.
Employees who have disabled dependents over the age of 26 who are enrolled in the district’s current benefits plans should contact Connie Majors for assistance.