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Policy 6701

Recess and Physical Activity

The board recognizes that recess is an essential part of the day for elementary school students, Young students learn through play, and recess supports the mental, physical, and emotional health of students and positively impacts their learning and behavior. Similarly, the board recognizes that students who engage in regular exercise are more likely to learn in the classroom and supports the district’s increased emphasis on physical activity at all grade levels to enhance the well-being of the district’s students. Therefore, it is the policy of the board to provide students with recess and opportunities for physical activity.


The district aims to make elementary school recess safe, inclusive, and high quality for all students. All district elementary schools will receive a minimum of 30 minutes per day of unstructured physical activity as recess. The accompanying procedure will specify how the district will meet other legal requirements.

Physical Activity

All schools, as a best practice and subject to available funding, will participate in a multi-component approach by which schools use all opportunities for students to be physically active, such as the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and will provide the following:


  • Quality physical education;
  • Physical activity during the school day (e.g., brain boosters/energizers);
  • Physical activity before and after school;
  • Recess that aims to be safe, inclusive, and high quality;
  • Family and community engagement;
  • Opportunities for active transportation to school; and
  • Access to school district facilities for physical activity, fitness, sports, and recreation programs.


Cross References: 

2161 – Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students 

2162 – Education of Students With Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 

3210 – Nondiscrimination 

3422 – Student Sports – Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest 

4260 – Use of School Facilities 

Management Resources: 2024 – March Policy and Legal News 

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program


La Center School District

Originally adopted as part of Policy 6700 July 24, 2018

Adoption Date: June 25, 2024
Classification: Essential