State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

La Center School District Logo

Policy 6605

Student Transportation Safety

The safety of children is the paramount duty of the district, which includes the transportation of students to and from school. To ensure an appropriate level of student safety, it is the policy of this district that rules and procedures must be established to focus on the achievement of this responsibility.

Bus Safety

The superintendent shall develop written rules establishing the procedures for bus safety and emergency exit drills and for student conduct while riding on buses. The bus driver is responsible for the safety of his/her passengers, particularly for those who cross a roadway after leaving the bus. In order to assure the safety of all, the bus driver may hold students accountable for their conduct during the course of transportation and may recommend corrective action against a student. Bus drivers are expressly prohibited from using corporal punishment.

Departure from the Bus

Once a student boards the bus (at the bus stop or at school), no bus driver shall allow a student to disembark until such time as arriving at his/her authorized drop-off location, without official authorization. Official authorization will be either an official note from the school office, KWRL dispatch, the student’s parent/or guardian (if know by the driver), or a school official. The superintendent shall develop written rules for school bus departures other than at a student’s regularly scheduled drop-off location.


In the event of an accident or other emergency, the bus driver shall follow the emergency procedures in accordance with the School Bus Driver Handbook (SPI). A copy of the emergency procedures shall be located in each bus. To insure the success of such emergency procedures, each bus driver shall conduct an emergency evacuation drill within the first six weeks of each school semester. The district shall conduct such other drills and procedures as may be necessary.

Student Conduct On Buses

The superintendent shall establish written rules of conduct for students riding school buses. Such rules shall include as a minimum the requirements of WAC 392-145-035 and shall be reviewed annually by the superintendent and revised if necessary. If the rules are substantially revised, they shall be submitted to the board for approval.

At the beginning of each school year, a copy of the rules of conduct for students riding buses shall be provided to each student who is scheduled to ride a school bus. The classroom teacher and/or bus driver shall review the rules with the students at or near the beginning of each school year. A copy of the rules shall be available upon request at the district office.

Cross References:
Board Policy 3241 Classroom Management, Corrective Actions or Punishment Board Policy
6510 Safety

Legal References:
RCW 28A.600.010 Government of schools, pupils, employees, rules and regulations for — Due process guarantee — Enforcement
WAC 180-20 School Bus Driver Qualifications
WAC 180-40-225 School district rules defining misconduct — Distribution of rules
WAC 392-145 Transportation — Operation rules
WAC 392-145-015, General operating regulations
WAC 392-145-035 Rules for students riding school buses



La Center School District Adopted: February 26th, 2008