State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

La Center School District Logo

Policy 6213P

Reimbursement for Travel Expenses

Travel Request

Travel requests must be approved by the staff member’s immediate supervisor prior to submission to the superintendent. Out-of-district travel must be approved by the superintendent.

The travel request must show meals, lodging, transportation, registration and any other estimated expenses for which reimbursement shall be requested upon completion of travel and the budget category to which reimbursement is to be charged.

Reimbursement Of Claims

Certified claims must be submitted to the district business office at least 5 days prior to the regular board meeting.

A mileage report is to be submitted each month for reimbursement of mileage in a personal vehicle inside the district. The report must show each point of departure and destination.

A statement of expenses is to be submitted for each trip for which reimbursement is being requested.

Reimbursable Expenses

Lodging Reasonable Rates Itemized Receipt Required
Meals Reasonable Rates No Receipt Required
Airline, Train, Bus Fare Tourist Rate Cancelled Ticket Serves As Receipt
Taxi, Parking, Toll Receipt Preferred


Mileage — personal car

Inside the district: Reimbursement allowed only when approved in advance by the staff member’s supervisor. When travel is a necessary part of performing one’s work, the staff member may receive blanket approval for the year.

Outside the District: Reimbursement allowed only in connection with an approved travel request and when there is evidence that a district vehicle was not available for use on the day of travel. Reimbursement shall be at the rate paid to state staff.

A. Hotel and Motel Expenses: Individual receipts are required from each staff member who obtains reimbursement from the district. When two or more people share a room, the room shall be registered to all of the occupants. Each person shall obtain and pay a bill for the share of the room charge when possible. If the hotel or motel will not provide that service, the person paying the bill and requesting reimbursement shall note on the receipt all other staff members who shared the room. Hotel or motel charges are not to be billed directly to the district.

B. Airline Tickets: Airline tickets (coach rate) may be charged to the district through a local travel agency for any approved travel.

Travel Advances

A. A written request for a travel advance must be submitted to the district fiscal officer.

B. Travel advances are paid in the form of a check payable to the staff member.

C. A statement of expense must be submitted to the district fiscal officer within ten days following completion of the travel. If the actual expenses are less than travel advance, the staff members shall reimburse the district for the difference.

Nonreimbursable Expenses

The following expenses are not reimbursable:

A. Alcoholic beverages, meals or snacks other than regular meals.

B. Personal telephone calls, postage, and memberships.

C. Mileage to and from home.

D. Mileage for school levy promotions and other nonofficial school functions.

E. Entertainment.

F. Expenses for travel extending beyond the time required for the meeting or business, unless it is in the district’s financial interest to extend the travel over a Saturday night or such other rate advantages.

G. Expenses incurred by non-employees traveling with the staff member, including room surcharges.



La Center School District Adopted: February 27th, 2007