State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

La Center School District Logo

Policy 6212

Charge Cards

The board authorizes the issuance of charge cards to officers and staff for district purchases, acquisitions and authorized travel. The board shall approve any contract for the issuance of credit cards, including the credit limit. The superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for the authorization and control of the use of credit card funds, subject to final board approval of payments.

Upon billing or no later than thirty (30) days of the billing date, the officer or staff member using a charge card shall submit a fully itemized expense voucher including receipts or invoices supporting purchases. Any charges not properly identified on the expense voucher or not allowed following review by the auditing officer shall be paid by the official or staff member. Any official or staff member who has been issued a charge card shall not use the card if any disallowed charges are outstanding.

The superintendent shall establish procedures for the issuance and use of charge cards.

Cross References:
Board Policy 6213 Reimbursement for Travel Expenses

Legal References:
RCW 42.24.115 Municipal corporations and political subdivisions — Issuance of charge cards to officers and employees for travel expenses
43.09.2855 Local governments — Use of credit cards

Management Resources:
Policy News, April 2005 Credit Card Policy Updated



La Center School District Adopted: February 27th, 2007