State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

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Policy 4260P

Use of School Facilities

Application for use of school facilities shall be made to the facilities coordinator.  All facility applications must be signed by an authorized representative of the group applying for use.  This representative must be an adult, at least 21 years of age.

Professional fund raisers representing charities must provide evidence that the fund raiser:

  1. Is recognized by the Philanthropic Division of the Better Business Bureau;
  2. Is registered and bonded by the state of Washington; and
  3. Will give the charity at least sixty (60) percent of the gross revenues.

The superintendent will develop and recommend to the board a fee schedule applicable for use of school facilities.  The fee schedule will be evaluated on a biennial basis.

Sponsoring organizations shall provide sufficient, competent adult and/or special supervision, and the amount of adequate supervision shall be agreed upon at the time the authorization is issued.

Alcoholic beverages, nicotine products, marijuana and illegal drugs shall not be permitted in school facilities or on school property at any time.

All applicants for use of school facilities shall hold the district free and without harm from any loss or damage, liability or expense that may arise during or be caused in any way by such use or occupancy of school facilities. Also, in the event that property loss or damage is incurred during such use or occupancy, the amount of damage shall be decided by the superintendent and approved by the board and a bill for damages shall be presented to the group using or occupying the facilities during the time the loss or damage was sustained.

All applicants for use of school facilities shall maintain accident and liability insurance for persons using district facilities under the applicant’s sponsorship in an amount not less than $50,000 due to bodily injury or death of one person or at least $100,000 due to bodily injury or death of two or more persons in any incident. If use of the district’s facilities is to be ongoing, the applicant shall provide evidence to the district once every thirty days that the insurance remains in effect.

All applicants are required to complete appropriate documentation regarding concussion and sudden cardiac arrest training if any athletic activities are part of the facility use request.  Additionally, youth organizations engaged in sports activities and using school facilities must submit a signed statement of compliance described in RCW 28A.600 for the management of concussion and head injury in youth sports.

For youth sports teams or groups that request space on an ongoing basis, the team or group must be made up of not less than 70% of La Center School District students.   A team roster must be attached to the facility request form.  To ensure equity in the use of gym and field space, teams may not request more than 3 months (a quarter) of space at a time. To request a specific quarter, requests need to be submitted for processing by the 20th of the month prior to the beginning of the quarter.

Quarters will be divided as follows:

Quarter 1 – September, October, November (request space by Aug. 20)

Quarter 2 – December, January, February (request space by Nov. 20)

Quarter 3 – March, April, May (request space by Feb. 20)

Quarter 4 – June, July, August (Limited use during summer months, request space by May 20)

Requests will be evaluated and processed as follows:

  1. The percentage of La Center School District students on the team.
  2. Appropriate use of space. Sports activities and related equipment that are normally outdoors i.e., baseball, softball, soccer, football, etc., are restricted to outdoor areas.  A description of the activity is required. Conditioning activities will be allowed as space permits.
  3. Availability of space, limit requests to 2 days per week.
  4. Order of receipt.

Once the quarter has begun, if space is still available, then requests will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. 

The superintendent possesses the authority to make the decision on use of school facilities by a group. The group may appeal such decision to the board.

The use of playing fields must be appropriate and compatible with each play field and its surrounding area. Such use shall not result in destruction, damages, or undue wear or pose a hazard to children or others. Activities which endanger others or cause damage to fields and lawns are restricted. Should damage to fields and lawns occur, the superintendent shall make reasonable effort to obtain restitution for damage.

A custodian or other authorized staff member must be on the premises when any non-school group is using school facilities unless waived by the building principal.


Adopted: December 12th , 2006; Revised December 13th, 2016, March 27, 2018