State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

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Policy 3414

Infectious Diseases

In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases, the superintendent will implement procedures ensuring that all school buildings are in compliance with state board of health rules and regulations regarding the presence of persons who have, or have been exposed to, infectious diseases deemed dangerous to public health. Such procedures will also prescribe the steps to remove the danger to others.

The District will require that the parents or guardian complete a medical history form at the beginning of each school year. The nurse or school physician may use such reports to advise the parent of the need for further medical attention and to plan for potential health problems in school.

The Board authorizes the school principal to exclude a student who has been diagnosed by a  Licensed Health Care Provider (LHP) or is suspected of having an infectious disease in accordance with the regulations within the Infectious Disease Control Guide for School Staff provided by the Department of Health. The principal and/or school nurse will report the presence of a suspected case or cases of reportable communicable disease to the appropriate local health authority as required by the State Board of Health. The District and its staff will treat all information concerning a student’s present and past health condition as confidential. The principal will cooperate with the local health officials in the investigation of the source of the disease. 

The fact that a student has been tested for a sexually transmitted disease, the test result, any information relating to the diagnosis or treatment of a sexually transmitted disease, and any information regarding drug or alcohol treatment for a student must be kept strictly confidential. If the District receives authorization to release information, the District may disclose information pursuant to the restrictions in the release.

A school principal or designee has the authority to send an ill child home without the concurrence of the local health officer, but if the disease is reportable, the local health officer must be notified. The local health officer is the primary resource in the identification and control of infectious disease in the community and school.  The local health officer, in consultation with the superintendent, can take whatever action deemed necessary to control or eliminate the spread of disease, including closing a school.


Legal References: RCW 28A.210.010 Contagious diseases, limiting contact Rules 

Chapter 246-110 WAC Contagious diseases — School districts and day care centers

Chapter 70.02.RCW Medical records — health care information access and disclosure

Management Resources:  2018-August Issue

2013-February Issue

La Center School District

Adoption Date: March 27th, 2007  Revised: December 18, 2018, Nonsubstantive revision November 8, 2024