Policy 3413
Student Immunization and Life-Threatening Health ConditionsImmunizations
In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the board requires a student to present evidence of his/her having been immunized against diseases as required by 28A.210 RCW and the State Board of Health 246-105 WAC.
Exemptions from Immunization
The district will allow for exemptions from immunization requirements only as allowed for by RCW 28A.210.090 and WAC 246-105-050.
Meningococcal Disease, Human Papilloma Virus Disease and Vaccine Information Distribution
At the beginning of every school year, the district will provide parents and guardians of sixth through twelfth grade students, information provided by the state Department of Health about meningococcal disease, human papilloma virus (HPV) disease and their vaccines.
The information will include the causes and symptoms of meningococcal disease, human papilloma virus, how the diseases are spread, the places where parents and guardians may obtain additional information and vaccinations for their children and current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control Prevention regarding the vaccine.
Life-Threatening Health Conditions
Prior to attendance at school, each child with a life-threatening health condition shall present a medication authorization or treatment order from a physician addressing the condition. A life threatening health condition means a condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order providing authority to a registered nurse and nursing plan are not in place. Following submission of the medication or treatment order, the registered nurse will develop the nursing care plan.
Students who have a life-threatening health condition and no medication or treatment order presented to the school will be excluded from school, to the extent that the district can do so consistent with federal requirements for students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and according to the due process requirements in School District Procedure 3413P.
Exclusion from School
The district will exclude students as required in RCW 28A.210.120 from further presence at the school who are out of compliance with the immunization requirements and students with a life-threatening health condition as required in WAC 392-380-045 who do not have a medication or treatment order in place.
The superintendent will adopt procedures necessary to implement this policy.
Cross References:
3241 Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action
3115 Students Experiencing Homelessness – Enrollment Rights and Services
2162 Education of Students with Disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of 1973
2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
2100 Educational Opportunities for Military Children
Legal References:
Chapter 28A.210 RCW Health – Screenings and Requirements
Chapter 246-105 WA
C- Immunization of child care and school children against certain vaccine-preventable diseases
WAC 392-182 Student – Health Records
WAC 392-3780 Public school pupils – Immunization requirement and life-threatening health condition
Management Resources:
2020 – May Issue
2018 – August Issue
2012 – August Issue
2011 – August Issue
2011 – June Issue
Policy News, August 2007 Human Papilloma Virus Disease Notification
Policy News, April 2006 Chickenpox Immunization Required
Policy News, June 2005 Distribution of Information on Meningococcal Disease
Policy News, October 2002 Legislature Address “Life-Threatening Conditions”
La Center School District
Adoption Date: March 27, 2007; Revised November 28, 2017; August 25, 2020