State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

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Policy 2145P

Procedure - Student Safety - Suicide Prevention and Response

Suicide Awareness

All staff members and volunteers shall be made aware of their responsibilities in the event of a potential, attempted, or actual suicide incident. Staff and volunteers are expected to follow the procedures as specified. Three steps are vital in a suicide prevention program:

1. Ensuring the short-term physical safety of the student;

2. Referring to appropriate professional or agency; and

3. Communicating with appropriate school personnel, parents/guardians/ custodians and local support personnel and establishing an interim plan of action.

Suicide Ideation – No Physical Evidence

Any staff member or volunteer who receives from any source or discovers information about a potential suicide ideation (notes, threats, conversations, and/or indications of thoughts of killing oneself) will immediately notify the principal or designee as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the school day.

1. Any suggestion, demonstration, or communication of an intention to commit suicide must be taken seriously.

2. Such information shall be reported to the principal or designee. The situation will be reviewed by the principal in consultation with appropriate staff and with Community Crisis Mental Health Services personnel.

3. Parents/Guardians/Custodians shall be notified unless contraindicated by a mental health professional.

4. Confidentiality is not applicable when the student threatens or harms him/herself (or others). In such circumstances, no matter what guarantees of privacy have been given the student, the information must be discussed with the appropriate staff. Community Crisis Mental Health Services shall be contacted for consultation and recommendation.

5. Referral for a mental health evaluation to a mental health agency shall be made in cooperation with the parent/guardian/custodian. If it is determined that the student is seriously in need of professional intervention, and the parent/ guardian/custodian refuses to cooperate, appropriate agencies (law enforcement, Child Protective Services) shall be contacted by the principal or designee to intervene on the student’s behalf.

6. Following the crisis, staff will:

a. Contact the parent/guardian/custodian for a follow-up;

b. Contact other professionals involved in the case for educational planning and follow -up services;

c. Develop and monitor a follow-up plan.

Attempted Suicide

Any staff member or volunteer who discovers or is informed of physical evidence relating to an attempted suicide (drug overdose, self-mutilation, etc.) by a student at school, on school district property, or at school-sponsored events, shall take, or arrange for another adult to escort if safe to do so, the student immediately to the office and inform the principal or designee. The following actions shall be taken by the principal or designee:

1. Contact 911 if there is any question that a life-threatening situation is involved;

2. Assign a staff member or volunteer who will remain with the student at all times;

3. If warranted, clear the immediate area;

4. Contact and advise the parent/guardian/custodian of the situation and what actions are being taken;

5. Notify appropriate staff members for consultation during the crisis;

6. Community Crisis Mental Health Services shall be contacted for consultation and recommendation.

7. Accompany the student to the hospital, if such action is necessary; and

8. Following the crisis, staff will:

a. Contact the parent/guardian/custodian for a follow-up;

b. Contact other professionals involved in the case for educational planning and follow -up services;

c. Develop and monitor a follow-up plan.

Before readmission, the appropriate health care provider must provide a risk assessment and a statement that the student is suitable for readmission.

Failure to Report

Any staff member who has knowledge of suicide ideation and/or suicide attempt and fails to act on the knowledge is failing to supervise students, which is subject to sanctions. Certificated staff is subject to WAC Chapter 180-87, Acts of Unprofessional Conduct.



La Center School District Adopted: August 24th, 2010