State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

La Center School District Logo

Policy 2121

Substance Abuse Program

The board recognizes that the abuse of alcohol, and the use and abuse of controlled illegal, addictive, or harmful substances including anabolic steroids is a societal problem and may represent an impairment to the normal development, well-being and academic performance of students. To ensure the safety, health and well-being of all students, the board is committed to the development of a program which emphasizes drug and alcohol abuse prevention, intervention, aftercare support and necessary corrective actions. The program will address the legal, social and health consequences of drug and alcohol use, and provide information about effective techniques for resisting peer pressure to use illicit drugs or alcohol. The program will be age-appropriate and developmentally based for all students in all grades.

The board recognizes the effects to the school, home and community resulting from the abuse of alcohol and the use and abuse of controlled illegal, addictive or harmful substances including anabolic steroids. While the primary obligation to seek assistance rests with the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s), school staff shall work with the home and community to develop and implement a comprehensive prevention and intervention program. The board of directors shall seek the support, cooperation and coordination of public and private agencies through the Safe and Drug Free Schools Consortium advisory committee at ESD 112, including representatives from the instructional staff, students, parents, state and local law enforcement staff and the county coordinator of alcohol and drug treatment or a representative of a treatment provider.

The superintendent is directed to develop and implement procedures to assess the scope of the problem of the use of addictive substances such as alcohol, drugs and nicotine, and to reduce and/or eliminate the problems associated with the use of alcohol, drugs and nicotine.

Parents and interested community members are encouraged to visit the school and/or classroom to observe classroom activities and review instructional materials.

Cross References:
Board Policy 5203 Staff Assistance Program

Legal References:
RCW 28A.210.310 Prohibition on use of tobacco products on school property.
28A.170.075 Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention
20 U.S.C. 3171 et seq. Drug-free Schools and Community Act



La Center School District Adopted: June 26th, 2007