Policy 2021P

Library Media Centers

The objective of the library is to make available to staff and students a collection of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and meet the needs of the students and staff served. Materials will be selected to provide students with a wide range of educational materials on all levels of difficulty and in a variety of formats, with diversity of appeal, allowing for the presentation of many different points of view.

The Library collection should especially support implementation and achievement of the La Center School District Ends Policies.

Instructional Resources

Textbooks will be selected in the manner described in policy and procedure 2020 and 2020P. Materials to be included in a library/media center shall be selected as outlined.


Materials for library are selected by the professional library staff with due regard to suggestions from the building staff and students. The teacher-librarian makes the final selection.

In selecting library materials, teacher-librarians will evaluate available resources and use a variety of selection tools, including professional journals, lists of award-nominated books, lists of recommended books, and other sources of reviews. Professional reviewing materials include:

1. Current reviews – Library Journal and School Library Journal, Booklist, Hornbook, English Journal, Choice and other professional and commercial periodicals which review materials objectively.

2. Published lists of appropriate materials – H.W. Wilson’s Children’s Catalog, ALA Basic Book Collection series, Bowker’s Best Books for Children, AAS Science Book List for Young Adults; materials suggested by the National Council of Teachers of English and Social Studies; plus Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Books for Libraries; and other professional publications which evaluate material.

Gift materials shall be judged by the criteria outlined and shall be accepted or rejected by those criteria.

Selection is an ongoing process which should include the removal of materials no longer appropriate and the replacement of lost and worn materials still of educational value.

Responsibility for Selection

The teacher-librarian will work cooperatively with staff members to interpret and guide the application of the policy in making day-to-day selections; however, final responsibility for selection of materials for the library lies with the teacher-librarian.

Criteria for Selection

The following criteria shall guide the selection of print and non-print (including electronic media) for library. Library materials shall:

A. Support and be consistent with general state and federal educational goals as well as the goals of the La Center School District and the aims and objectives of individual schools and specific courses.

B. Meet high standards of quality in factual content, currency, and presentation.

C. Be selected to meet the needs of the school, curriculum and/or individual student. (The program should provide for a wide range of materials on appropriate levels of difficulty with diversity of appeal and presentation of a variety of viewpoints).

D. Be selected for reliability and breadth of information with particular concern for the contributions (current and historical) of both sexes and members of several religions, ethnic, political and cultural groups.

E. Be subjected to a stern test of literary merit and reality when considering accents on sex, profanity, and obscenity.

F. Merit inclusion in the collection because of their literary and/or artistic value; the reputation and significance of the author, producer or publisher; and/or their high degree of potential user appeal.

G. Be selected which represent a fair and unbiased presentation of information.

H. Be guided by favorable reviews found in standard selection sources. See Procedures above.

I. Be guided by favorable recommendations based on preview and examination of materials by professional personnel.

J. Be guided by the need for a variety of formats.

K. Be guided by value commensurate with cost and/or need.

Complaints or Concerns About Materials

Complaints and/or concerns about the use and/or availability of specific materials should first be directed to the librarian. Every effort should be made to resolve concerns as to retention or restriction of materials at the building level. When a complaint is received from any resident of the district regarding the use of instructional resources in a specific school, the teacher or media specialists, curriculum director and principal (“building personnel”) shall be notified of the complaint and its source. If the building personnel are in agreement that the disputed material should be retained, they should contact the complainant in an effort to resolve any misunderstanding. If the complainant continues to dispute the propriety of using the material, they may submit a written protest of use of any instructional materials or resources in the school system using the form for requesting reconsideration of instructional materials as stated in the policy and procedure 2020 and 2020P.



La Center School District Adopted: April 22nd, 2008