La Center School District Logo

New Student Registration - La Center School District

New and returning students who live within La Center School District boundaries are registered online.  Follow the instructions below to register your student.

For families new to the district, you will need to request a login and password for the Skyward system.  Please click the button below to register for a login and password:

Once you have submitted the information for an account, you will receive an email to set up your account and a link to log in to the Skyward system. Once logged in, choose the New Student Online Enrollment tab on the left to enroll your student(s).  You will be asked to complete a questionnaire with current address and other information.  Please have required documentation (see below) ready to upload to complete the registration.

A youtube video explaining the process is linked here.

For families that already have Skyward access for the La Center District,  log into Skyward using this link: Skyward. You will need your current login and password.


Print the forms listed below, fill out and scan and upload the forms electronically to the Skyward system.  If you are not able to scan and/or attach, you may bring copies of these documents to your child’s school after completing the online registration.


  1. Legal Birth Certificate– must be a state-issued birth certificate. If you do not have one and your student was born in the state of Washington, visit the Washington State Department of Health for more information on obtaining one. To register for kindergarten, children must turn 5 by September 1 of the school year.**
  2. Residency Verification Declaration Form (SP) (RU) – (with 2 supporting documents – scan and save each item separately)
  3. Student Records Request Form (SPANISH) (RUSSIAN)
  4. Student Housing Questionnaire (SP) (RU
  5. Student Health History Form (SP) (RU) – Students with life-threatening health conditions will need an Individualized Health Plan before starting school.
  6. Family Emergency Plan (SP) (RU)
  7. Authorization for Administration of Medication (SP) (RU) – Only for students that require medication (prescription or over the counter) to be administered during the school day.  For students who self-carry or self-administer medication, a Self-Carry/Self-Administration of Medication Liability Waiver Form (SP)  (RU) must be completed.
  8. Home Language Survey English (Spanish) (Russian
  9. Certificate of Immunization Status (SP) (RU)  or Certificate of Exemption (SP) (RU) A completed form must be on file with the school office before a student can attend school. For more information on required vaccines, visit the Washington State Department of Health website. This website offers MyIR for secure online management of family immunization records including access to print your child’s CIS.
  10. For students with a custody order, parenting plan or restraining order currently in effect, legal papers must be provided to the school office.

**For more information on age qualifications and placement, see policy 3110.

For questions regarding registration, please contact the school that your child will attend.

Grades P-5
La Center Elementary School
Grades 6-8
La Center Middle School
Grades 9-12
La Center High School
La Center Academy, Ruth Schrock
360-760-5049 *

*To enroll in La Center Academy, please contact Ruth Schrock before completing online enrollment.


WA State schools  must collect immunization records that comply with immunization rules.

All students:

  • Must be up to date on immunizations to attend school or in conditional status if not up to date – or-
  • Must have valid exemptions prior to the first day of classes.
  • All new immunization records from students need to be medically verified.
  • There will no longer be a 30 day grace period to provide immunization records.

For more information see the Washington State Department of Health website

ATTENTION! Annual Notifications to Parents

State and Federal Law mandates that certain information be made available to parents, students and/or community members on an annual basis.  It is the intent of the La Center School District to comply with all such laws in a way that is both easily accessible and cost effective for our stakeholders.

These notifications are emailed to parents at the beginning of each school year.  All required notifications and information may also be accessed on this website in the link provided: Annual Notifications