La Center School District Learner Competencies
Within each of the three learning conditions of the district’s learning model, the following learner competencies are to be practiced in every learning environment throughout the district. This is in support of the Board’s Ends-1 policy expectation to develop confident, self-reliant life-long learners.
1. Flow of Information
Confident self-reliant lifelong learners are effective consumers and producers of information. To do this they can…
A. Use a five-step problem-solving process: 1) identify variables; 2) locate facts; 3) analyze and evaluate information; 4) create solutions/opinions; and 5) test solutions/opinions.
B. Conduct, produce and present research (i.e. locate and organize information, write, support and present thinking in diverse mediums) in a variety of forums.
C. Use multiple forms of information such as charts, graphs, tables, manipulatives, equipment, models and other resources within the problem-solving process.
D. Implement the technical skills necessary to:
Read/write with skill and present with confidence (e.g. instructions, charts, thank you letters, letters of request, letters of response, proposals, lab reports, research reports, technical documents, summaries and graphs).
– Solve problems and express solutions using the language of mathematics.
– Use multiple types of technology (e.g. word processing, database, Internet, AV production and CNC machine tools).
2. Cognitive Demand
Confident self-reliant lifelong learners are able to thrive in uncertain and rapidly changing environments. To do this they can…
A. Initiate high-level thinking processes (e.g. analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, compare, simplify, design, and cause/effect) to solve problems and/or develop appropriate new strategies.
B. Continually use a self-evaluation/reflection process to enhance their learning.
C. Create goals and effectively work to achieve them (e.g. brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize and persist).
D. Implement a continuous improvement process (i.e. plan, draft, analyze, and revise) when creating products.
3. Learning Trust
Confident self-reliant lifelong learners can create and use effective learning support networks. To do this they can…
A. Use their interpersonal skills in order to:
– Establish communication linkages with other learners.
– Use effective listening strategies in a variety of settings.
– Resolve conflicts that disrupt communications.
– Develop positive learning feedback connections with other learners.
B. Communicate their thinking with clarity and precision to test their ideas/strategies.
C. Effectively provide constructive feedback to other learners within their network.
D. Consistently demonstrate their strong learning confidence in a variety of different settings
September 10th, 2012