State of the District Address

The State of the District Address will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:00 PM in the HS Library

A zoom link has been created for those that cannot attend in-person:

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Procedure Social Emotional Learning and Sexual Health Education

All instruction and materials for the district’s comprehensive sexual health education program will meet the following criteria:

In grades K-3, instruction will be in social and emotional learning, provided at least once, that is consistent with the social and emotional standards and benchmarks adopted by OSPI. (Note:  there is no sexuality content required for students in grades K-3.)

Comprehensive sexual health education will be provided at least once in grades 4-5, at least twice in grades 6-8, and twice in grades 9-12, and will include information about:

  • The physiological, psychological, and sociological developmental processes experienced by an individual;
  • Abstinence and other methods of preventing unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases; abstinence may not be taught to the exclusion of other materials and instruction on contraceptives and disease prevention;
  • Health care and prevention resources;
  • The development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to communicate, respectfully and effectively, to reduce health risks and choose healthy behaviors and relationships based on mutual respect and affection, and free from violence, coercion, and intimidation;
  • The development of meaningful relationships and avoidance of exploitative relationships;
  • Understanding the influences of family, peers, community and the media throughout life on healthy sexual relationships;
  • Affirmative consent and recognizing and responding safely and effectively when violence or a risk of violence is or may be present, with strategies that include bystander training.

The district’s program will provide comprehensive sexual health education as defined by RCW 28A.300.475.

A. Comprehensive Sexual health education:

RCW 28A.300.475 defines comprehensive sexual health education as recurring instruction in human development and reproduction that is:

    1. Medically and scientifically accurate;
    2. Age-appropriate;
    3. Inclusive of all students, regardless of their protected class status; and
    4. Uses language and strategies that recognize all members of protected classes under Chapter 49.60 RCW

B.  Comprehensive sexual health education for students in grades K-3 is defined as: Instruction in social-emotional learning that is consistent with learning standards and benchmarks adopted by the office of the superintendent of public instruction under RCW 28A.300.478.

C.  Affirmative consent is defined as: A conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity as a requirement before sexual activity.

 D.  Medically and scientifically accurate:
RCW 28A.300.475 defines medically and scientifically accurate as information that is verified or supported by research in compliance with scientific methods, is published in peer review journals, where appropriate, and is recognized as accurate and objective by professional organizations and agencies with expertise in the field of sexual health including but not limited to, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

E.  2005 Guidelines for Sexual Health Information and Disease Prevention:
This publication, prepared by the DOH and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), provides the fundamental framework for establishing a medically and scientifically accurate comprehensive sexual health education program for students. A copy of the Guidelines for Sexual Health Information and Disease Prevention is located on the DOH and OSPI Web sites.

Adoption of a Sexual Health Education Program
School districts will involve parents and community groups in the planning, development, evaluation and revision of any instruction in comprehensive sexual health education offered as a part of the school program.

The district must ensure that all instructional materials are medically and scientifically accurate. The DOH is available to provide technical assistance in determining medical and scientific accuracy. When choosing curriculum, district staff may examine the list of materials reviewed for medical and scientific accuracy that are located on the OSPI website at

In determining curriculum, the district staff are encouraged to review OSPI’s list of sexual health education curricula that were reviewed for their alignment with the guidelines, standards and other state requirements. Although the list is not exhaustive, the list is updated regularly and is posted on the OSPI website at If the district chooses or develops a curriculum that is not from OSPI’s list, the district must conduct a review of the selected or developed curriculum using the comprehensive sexual health curriculum analysis tools provided by OSPI. Ultimately, the district’s comprehensive sexual health education program will ensure that in the K-12 life of a child, the comprehensive sexual health education program is consistent with the 2005 Guidelines for Sexual Health Information and Disease Prevention, the Health Education K-12 Learning Standards and the provisions of RCW 28A.300.475.

For technical assistance, staff may contact the Sexual Health Education Program supervisor at OSPI.

Delivery of Sexual Health Education

Only district employees may deliver comprehensive sexual health education. Guest speakers may not be used to deliver any portion of sexual health education.

 Parental/Guardian Notification Process
At least one month prior to teaching a program in sexual health education, each school will provide written notice to parents/guardians of the planned instruction.

Parent/Guardian Material Review Process
At least one month prior to providing instruction in sexual health education, the district will notify parents that all instructional materials are available to parents/guardians for inspection. The notice must include, or provide a means for electronic access to, all course materials, by grade, that will be used at the school during the instruction. The opportunity for inspection will be provided at a time and place convenient for parent/guardian participation such as evenings or weekends.

Excluding Student from a Program/Opt-Out
A parent/guardian who wishes to have a student excused from planned instruction in comprehensive sexual health education must file a written request with the school office, at least five (5) days prior to the planned instruction. The district will make the appropriate opt-out form available and will grant all such requests. Excused students will be provided with appropriate alternative educational opportunities.

Identification of Curricula Used

The district will annually identify to OSPI, using OSPI’s reporting tool, any curricula used to provide comprehensive sexual health education and how the provided classroom instruction aligns with requirements of RCW 28A.300.475.

Adoption Date: June 28, 2022